Empowerment University for Children
Welcome to Empowerment University for Children where we address the needs of the whole child through spiritual, academic, and life skills empowerment. Learn how we can help your child enhance their learning experience

Are your children ready to learn?
Learning about the educational needs of the orphaned children in the Giotto area of Nakuru, Kenya opened the discussion floodgates with U.S. teens, parents, leaders, and professionals, so we listened and started to build. Our goal is to provide your children with a comprehensive learning experience utilizing the skills of certified teachers and other professionals.

Why EUC?
We recognize gaps exist in the educational system. Children have different learning styles and experience levels. Education is not only about learning facts but learning how to apply those facts. Learning is deeper than academic achievement. Learning how to live life matters too. *If you do not see the course you want, we welcome you to suggest it or request a private course.
Getting Started with EUC
Starting with EUC is simple. Choose a course based on your child’s needs. Click the enrollment button, and pay the course fee, if applicable. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.


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