Elevated Missions PREP, Inc.
Welcome to Elevated Missions PREP, Inc. (EMPREP, Inc.) where we help you prepare for your purpose. Learn how our company uniquely leads you into your future and why people choose us to help them execute their vision.

Who Is Elevated Missions PREP, Inc.?
At EMPREP, Inc. we are builders, architects, and developers of the purposeful life. We listen to your vision, develop a workable plan to execute that vision, and provide the tools resources, and programming to help you do it successfully. “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it” Habakkuk 2:2 ESV.
Our first-level services include the three C’s, consulting, coaching, and courses. Our second-level services include the services necessary to help you execute your purpose and vision in real time. Our goal is to encourage, educate, and equip you. These three E’s make up our empowerment formula for success.



Getting Started
Everything we do starts with your Hope Circle Profile. We want to help you visualize, develop, and execute, so you see the value in yourself and your greater purpose to change other people’s lives through your empowering dreams and actions. We answer the following questions. What is your dream? What is your purpose? What value are you bringing to the lives you affect? What action steps do you need to take?
How We Do It All
The initiation of what would become EMPREP, Inc. began in 2012 when Founder Jacqulyn Wilson decided to step away from her career and walk in the purpose God had laid on her heart. As she worked to execute her purpose, she created three different entities. These entities would eventually become the company’s primary divisions: The Get Heard Division, The CWS Division, and the CCE Division. In addition, we have an Auxiliary Division, which houses CEO Your Life and other programming.

The Get Heard Division
GHD is the pinnacle division of our company, This division helps individuals execute their vision by creating tangible and digital products and services.

The CWS Division
CWSD is our transitional division designed to help individuals combat roadblocks that prevent them from walking in their purpose and executing their vision.

The CCE Division
CCED is our foundational division specifically geared toward providing a solid foundation to build confidence in children, who they are and desire to become.
At our core, we believe everyone has a purpose from God, and we are here to help you live it out exceptionally well.